Effervescent Resume
Composition: SteelWind contains Iacopo Sammartano (soprano sax), Davide Vannuccini (alto sax), Andrea Lucchesi (tenor sax), Roberto Frati (baritone sax)
Active ingredient: 50 oz of explosive musicality.
Eccipients: First-class degrees, high-level professional experiences (Maggio Musicale Fiorentino festival, Orchestra Regionale Toscana, RAI Orchestra in Turin, Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte in Montepulciano…), national and international prizes. <
100% natural, adulteration- and additive-free, unmistakable Tuscan accent.
Pharmaceutical form and packaging: Effervescent quartet for any occasion, available in 4×4 acoustic format.
Pharmacotherapeutical category and kind of activity: SteelWind can be numbered among latest-gen musicians and it is well tolerated by agencies, councillorships and musical associations. It can be conveniently used on any social event.
Therapeutical indications: Suitable for any kind of audience, SteelWind’s versatility allows a wide range of application. Indispensable to every live-music lover.
Contraindications: Certified hypersensitivity towards fantasy and innovation.
Interactions with other medications: SteelWind can interact with any kind of creative entities.
Precautions for use: SteelWind must be administered in cloisters, theatres and open-air spaces where the wind doesn’t play the lord and the master. It only needs 4 chairs without armrest and suitable lighting.
Posology, dose and frequency of administration: You should exceed the recommended dose.
Caution: Keep out of the sight and reach of competitors.

SteelWind Chamber Saxophone Quartet is a musical movement that was born in 1983 as the result of an experiment carried out by four musicians sharing the same desire; to be able to express their “non-purist” nature. It’s for this reason that in the hands of SteelWind, the saxophone becomes an instrument outside of time, with a timbre and sonority that allows them to play freely in any genre, old and new.
At the base of this group there is a solid grounding in classical music and experience with world famous conductors such as Chung, Muti, Berio, Pretre, Bartoletti, Bychkov, Mehta, Leitner. Furthermore they have collaborated with the orchestra of the ‘Maggio Musicale Fiorentino’, the Orchestra Regionale Toscana ‘ORT’ and with the ‘RAI’ symphony orchestra of Turin.
The group encountered contemporary music in the year of the ‘Cantiere Internazionale d’Arte’ in Montepulciano with Henze and the avantgarde stylings of Globokar.
Afterwards a project took form that was dedicated to the progressive rock of the seventies that has been met with both critical acclaim and public success.
Originality, rule-breaking and versatility have brought the group to be awarded many prestigious prizes including: ‘A.Piazzolla’ of Castelfidardo, ‘Kawai’ of Tortona, ‘Rospigliosi’, ‘Sanguinetto’, ‘Riviera del Conero’, ‘Ufam’ of Paris, ‘Rovere d’oro’, ‘Perugia Classico’, ‘T.I.M’.
The members of the group have recorded for Nuova Era, Amiata Records, Pentaphon, Videoradio, Le Vele, Forrest Hill Records, Rain Records, Hit Records, ONK Music, EMA Records, Smilax.