Effervescent Resume Composition: SteelWind contains Iacopo Sammartano (soprano sax), Davide Vannuccini (alto sax), Andrea Lucchesi (tenor sax), Roberto Frati (baritone sax) Active ingredient: 50 oz of explosive musicality. Eccipients: First-class degrees,...

Roberto Frati

Why the sax? Very simple: the town band needed one! Lido Garosi, bandmaster, carpenter, San Quirico d’Orcia (Siena) mayor, gave me an alto saxophone that didn’t even have a case. My mother lovingly sewed a bag to carry it. It was 1973, and at 9 I began my musical...

Andrea Lucchesi

In 1997, Andrea Lucchesi successfully graduated in Saxophone from the Luigi Cherubini Academy in Florence, under the guidance of Maestro Roberto Frati… a traditional resume would start like this, but then again this is the truth! You say “successfully” when...

Iacopo Sammartano

What’s your name?What’s in a name? Where do you live?In Tuscany. Precisely?Precisely so. What kind of music do you usually listen to?You said short answers, so what kind of question is this supposed to be? When you answer with a question is it because you’re...

Davide Vannuccini

Music, and the Art of Running Off the Rails I wasn’t born in a musical family, nobody encouraged or forced me, I chose on my own. Except discovering, after taking up musical studies, that my grandpa played the saxophone in the town band, just the instrument I had...

Riviera Lazeri

What must necessarily be in a resume? Maybe I should start from my bedroom window in Albania, where I could glimpse the sea and I could hear the ships’ sirens fading away in the distance. I was five when I swapped that window for the small porthole of a music stand...


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